Tombolo Digital Connector

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The Tombolo Digital Connector is a software library for integrating urban models and datasets.

For further information see the wiki.

Quick start

Configure the project

Copy and amend the example configuration file at / to /

Copy and amend the example API keys file at / to / If you’re not using the services mentioned in the file you can leave it as-is.

Set up main database

Then run the following to set up your database:

# Create a user and database
createuser tombolo
createdb -O tombolo tombolo -E UTF8
psql -d tombolo -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
psql -d tombolo -c "SET NAMES 'UTF8';"

# Create DB tables and load initial fixtures
psql -d tombolo -U tombolo < src/main/resources/sql/create_database.sql

Set up test database

The test database is used by the tests and is cleared routinely. We use this to gain control over what is in the database when our tests are running and to avoid affecting any important data in your main database.

To set up the test user and database:

# Create a user and database
createuser tombolo_test
createdb -O tombolo_test tombolo_test -E UTF8
psql -d tombolo_test -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;"
psql -d tombolo_test -c "SET NAMES 'UTF8';"

# Create DB tables and load initial fixtures
psql -d tombolo_test -U tombolo_test < src/main/resources/sql/create_database.sql

Run tests

gradle test

If you use the IntelliJ JUnit test runner, you will need to add the following to your VM Options in your JUnit configuration (Run -> Edit Configurations -> All under JUnit, and Defaults -> JUnit):


Local deploy

To deploy to your local Maven installation (~/.m2 by default):

gradle install

Run Tasks

Run export

We use the Gradle task runExport to run exports. The parameters are as follows:

gradle runExport \
    -PdataExportSpecFile='path/to/spec/file.json' \
    -PoutputFile='output_file.json' \

For example, this calculates the proportion of cycle traffic received at a traffic counter relative to the total traffic in a given borough and outputs the results to the file reaggregate-traffic-count-to-la.json:

gradle runExport \
    -PdataExportSpecFile='src/main/resources/executions/examples/reaggregate-traffic-count-to-la.json' \

Run data catalogue

We use the Gradle task runCatalogue to explore the data catalogue. The parameters are as follows:

gradle runCatalogue \

If the datasetId parameter is not present the program writes out all the datasets available from the importer. If the datasetId is specificed the program writes out all attributes available from that importer dataset pair.

For example, this lists all datasets available in the ONS Census importer:

gradle runCatalogue -PimporterClassName=''

For example, this lists all attributes available in the dataset QS102EW from ONS (Population density):

gradle runCatalogue -PimporterClassName='' -PdatasetId='QS102EW'

Export data catalogue

We us the Gradle task exportCatalogue to export a JSON file detailing the capabilities of the connector.

gradle exportCatalogue -PoutputFile=catalogue.json

Continuous Integration

We’re using Wercker for CI. Commits and PRs will be run against the CI server automatically. If you don’t have access, you can use the Wercker account in the 1Password Servers vault to add yourself.

If you need to run the CI environment locally:

  1. Install the Wercker CLI
  2. Run wercker build

The base image is generated with the very simple Dockerfile in the root of this project. To push a new image to DockerHub you will need access to our DockerHub account. If you don’t have access, you can use the DockerHub account in the 1Password Servers vault to add yourself.

If you need new versions of PostgreSQL, Java, etc, you can update the image:

docker build -t tombolo .
docker images
# Look for `tombolo` and note the IMAGE ID
docker tag <IMAGE_ID> fcclab/tombolo:latest
docker push fcclab/tombolo

Wiki to PDF

To create a PDF version of the Wiki documentation clone the wiki respository and run the gradel build in the wiki repository root folder.

gradle build